Friday Reminders

Sometimes the best ideas come when you're not at the computer staring at the screen all day. I know that I'm not alone in saying that a lot of great ideas come from allowing creative energy to flow. Sometimes good ideas can come from waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting for the bus, or at the park.

Sometimes you can get good ideas by just stepping away from your normal routine. So if you're feeling like you're not putting enough hours at your desk, see how you can expand your perspective by seeing the benefits of allowing your brain to relax and expand beyond your desk.

Sometimes when you're struggling, it can be easy to be hard on yourself for not showing up on time or getting things done fast enough. Remember that you know what you're going through. You know yourself better than anyone else, so remember that if someone's giving you a challenging time when you are doing the best that you can. If it's going through a lot, do your best to be kinder to yourself and just notice what happens. #fridayreminders #creative #energy

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Reflecting within


Struggling in silence