Combating patriarchy and burnout requires a multifaceted approach that includes both individual and systemic changes.
Research has shown that patriarchy can contribute to burnout in women by creating a work environment that is unfavourable to them, with limited opportunities for advancement and unequal pay⁶.
Women often face additional pressures, such as the “double burden” of work and family responsibilities, which can exacerbate burnout⁷. Patriarchy can also result in women feeling like they are not good enough, which can lead to feelings of burnout⁸. Women are caught in a problematic situation when it comes to burnout at work: they suffer it more and also do more to combat it⁹. Women also experience overthinking and second-guessing themselves, which can also lead to burnout and exhaustion.
To combat burnout in the face of patriarchy, some suggest fighting against the patriarchy itself. Other ways can involve finding ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, breathing, and spending time with trusted individuals¹⁰. The key is to explore different methods of managing stress, finding what works for you, and being consistent with applying the tools.
Here are 4 strategies to help with burnout:
Self-awareness. Recognize and challenge patriarchal attitudes and behaviours in yourself and others. This can include questioning gender stereotypes, challenging sexist language and jokes, and advocating for gender equity in the workplace¹². Another consideration is reflecting on the words that you use and your language. How often have you heard this phrase commonly used in the office, “Hey guys!”? Consider using alternate words such as ‘everyone’ or ‘team’ that don’t imply or assume gender.
Prioritize self-care and set boundaries. This can include giving yourself permission to take breaks, delegating tasks, and saying no to additional responsibilities when you feel overwhelmed³. Setting boundaries can happen even before you feel overwhelmed. Going out for a walk with no goal other than to be aware of your present surroundings is a good way to connect with yourself and nature.
Seek out support. Find supportive individuals, networks, and communities. This can include finding allies at work, joining professional organizations that prioritize gender equity, and connecting with peers who share similar experiences⁴.
Advocate for change. Advocate for policy changes that promote gender equity in the workplace. This can include advocating for equal pay, paid parental leave, and flexible work arrangements⁵.
By taking these steps, individuals can work to combat patriarchy and burnout in their own lives, while also contributing to broader systemic changes.
A book suggestion — Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Ameila Nagoski and Emily Nagoski.
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