3 Ideas To Find The “Why” In Your Career
Finding the “why” in your career is important because it helps you to identify your purpose and motivation for working.
Understanding why you do what you do can help you to stay focused, motivated, and fulfilled in your career.
So many times, you rush through your career to get that ‘job’ or ‘more money’ or more <fill in the blank>. Have you ever stopped to think about why you want more of something in your career/life? Often, you don’t have the time to think of your why because you’re pressured by the day-to-day realities of paying bills and making things happen.
Here are three ideas to help you find a greater purpose in your career:
Time and space for self-reflection. One way to find your “why” is to reflect on your values and interests.
What is important to you in your career?
What motivates you?
What are your passions and interests?
These questions can help you to identify the underlying reasons why you are pursuing a particular career path. Self-reflection can also help you gain a wider purpose for your career and give you a greater perspective.
2. Consider your impact. Another way to find your “why” is to think about the impact you want to have in your career.
What kind of difference do you want to make in the world?
How do you want to contribute to society?
What do you want to be remembered for at the end of your career?
By identifying the impact you want to have, you can connect your work to a greater purpose and find meaning in what you do.
One of my mentors used to consistently ask me, “If you didn’t have to worry about time and/or money, what would you do?”
3. Aligning your career path. Finding your “why” can also help you make career decisions that are aligned with your values and goals. For example, if you are motivated by positively impacting the environment, you may want to seek career opportunities in sustainability or renewable energy and find people/companies in these areas that match your motivations. If you’ve never had a chance to think about your values and goals, take the time to consider what you want in your career. If you struggle to understand your value and goals, reach out for support.
Working on yourself is not an overnight process; it takes time, energy, refinement, and patience. So if you’re struggling and frustrated, know that you’re not alone. Remember your small wins and the efforts that you are taking to get better every day.
Finding your “why” in your career is important because it helps you to identify your purpose and motivation for working. By understanding your values, interests, and the impact you want to have, you can find meaning in your work and make career decisions that align with your goals.
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