3 Ways To Build Self-Trust When Things Are Stacked Against You
How do you keep building trust in yourself?
Let’s say that you going through layers of things in your life and you’re being challenged with more tests. You don’t have all the answers, you just know that you’re struggling, frustrated and just tired of it all.
If you haven’t fully recovered from COVID and have long haul COVID that you just can’t explain, haven’t been paid by clients and need to pay bills, asking for help and not getting the help that you need, are challenged by rising inflation, rejected by jobs (some of which may not be suitable for you), tired from not being able to sick days or proper holidays where you can just shut off and not think, going through medical challenges, navigating a career transition and perhaps processing and dealing with generational traumas, it’s easy to feel like you may not ever reach your goals and your dreams.
You may be thinking, ‘why is this happening to me?’ and ‘why am I stuck in this rabbit hole of emotions?’
Shifting your mindset in these pivotal moments is key to deepening your personal growth. Instead, see if you can ask yourself, ‘why is this happening for me’ and ‘what are the lessons?’
Consider these 3 ways to keep building self-trust when things feel like they are stacked against you:
Build a safe space within yourself. What does this look and feel like for you? Building safety and security within is key to understanding what you need to build a solid foundation to keep moving forward. For example, if you didn’t have a safe space to express yourself as a child, then how can you create this space for yourself now so that you can truly express who you are? Consider affirmations to remind yourself that you are safe — eg. “I am safe. I am always protected.” Affirm the things that you are doing for yourself to remind yourself that you are taking the action that you need to take for yourself.
Be more aware of your self-talk. When things are not working for you, it may amplify the feelings of all things not working in your favour. For example, I was dropping my water bottle last week and accidentally broke some bottles of essential oils. It got me in a twist where I really had to pay more attention to my self-talk. “Why am I so clumsy? What is wrong with me?” Paying more attention to my inner self-talk made me understand and feel the negative energy that I was creating within myself and reminded me to create more self-compassion within myself. I had to really sit with those feelings, which I can appreciate, is not always comfortable or easy. As someone said to me, ‘people make mistakes, it’s ok.’
Forgive yourself. Continually forgive yourself for all the things that you didn’t know. Remind yourself that you’re growing and learning. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best that you can with the resources that you have available.
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