6 Ways To Feel More Supported
Feeling unsupported at work can be challenging and frustrating. You may be silently struggling and not sure what to do or say. You may not want to speak up because you may think that you ‘should’ be able to handle the work. You may be fearful of losing your job. There are several steps you can take to address this issue and it starts with you.
Here are 6 ways to feel more supported at work:
Reflect on your needs: Take some time to reflect on the specific ways in which you don’t feel supported at work. Is it a lack of guidance, resources, or recognition? Do you have a lack of clarity in your role or are the expectations for the role not defined? Understanding your specific needs will help you find potential solutions.
Communicate your concerns: It’s important to communicate your feelings and concerns to the appropriate person. Write down your thoughts. Approach your supervisor or manager to discuss your challenges and see if you can work collaboratively to find solutions. Be open and honest about your expectations and provide examples to support your perspective.
Seek out a mentor or advocate: If you feel that you lack support from your immediate supervisor, consider finding a mentor or advocate within the organization who can provide guidance and support. This person can offer a different perspective to help with advice, navigate workplace challenges, and advocate for your growth and development.
Build and invest in relationships with colleagues: Cultivate relationships with colleagues who may offer support and understanding. Having a network of colleagues who can provide advice and feedback, and also serve as a sounding board can make a significant difference in how supported you feel at work. Sometimes, just having someone that can hold space to listen can make all the difference in feeling seen and heard. They can also help you with gaining more confidence and inner validation.
Take initiative: Sometimes, you need to just take more action. Proactively seek out opportunities for growth and development (this can be in the form of new projects or enrolling in a new course), propose solutions to challenges you face, or take on new responsibilities. By demonstrating your initiative, you are demonstrating proactivity to gain the support you need from management.
Consider external resources: Another idea is to seek support from external resources if the lack of support is pervasive. This could include joining professional groups or seeking career coaching to explore other options or strategies for finding a more supportive work environment. Networking and putting yourself out there to meet other like-minded individuals can also be another option.
Remember, it’s important to prioritize your well-being and professional growth. If your efforts to address the lack of support are not successful, consider alternative options as you do have a choice in what you choose to do.
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