Are you truly ready for a change?

You have to be ready to change.

If you have reasons as to why you don’t want to change — eg. fear, pride, worry, anxiety, ask yourself what is really holding you back.

Ask yourself what is stopping you from change.

Ask yourself what you’re really afraid of.

Are you afraid of growing and doing the work to become a better version of yourself? Are you afraid that you can’t commit to doing the work? What are your fears?

When you ask yourself these questions, take the first answer that comes up without judgment.

Change work is not always easy and you have to be aligned with yourself to know that you are fully on board to do the work. If you’re not ready, what’s holding you back? Are your reasons serving you or not serving you for your highest good?

Change work is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. It may be frustrating at times as you may feel like you’re trying and not getting the results. Perhaps you’ve given up too soon and/or haven’t found the right thing that works for you. Being open to change is key, as well as taking responsibility for your part and being accountable for your actions. It’s not always easy, though working on yourself can give you greater peace within.

Many times, you may not think that you can change. You may not see the possibilities because you are unable to see your fullest potential. It may be because someone told you that you are not smart enough, strong enough, tall enough, etc. etc. etc.

This is where working with someone to help you get out of your own way may be helpful. It may be useful to work with someone that you don’t know so that you don’t feel like you have to act a certain way or feel like you’re imposing on the relationship (if you’re working with a friend).

You may feel scared to work on your issues because it’s new, uncomfortable and something that you don’t have experience with. That’s ok. It takes courage to own your issues, be vulnerable and consciously work through your stuff one day at a time. You don’t have to resolve everything in one day, you just have to be open and willing to do the work, which I know is challenging in the midst of work, life, and everything else in between.

You may not want to do the work as it may seem like it’s just too much. Consider what your end goal is and how you want to feel. If you don’t put the work in, how will you achieve your goals?

Taking the first step is always the hardest. Know that you’re strong enough and resilient enough to keep going, even in the hardest of times, you’re still alive and breathing.

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Motivation to change


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