The inevitable overlaps between work and life

Your personal and work lives overlap in so many ways.

If you are facing a sudden illness, cancer, or COVID and can not work, there are knock-on effects.

For example, if you’re self-employed, you may not be eligible for compassionate care or other benefits and you may need to still be responsible for paying your bills. If you’ve recently lost your job, you may be wondering how to pay for the things that you’ve committed yourself to.

It’s not the illness/cancer that’s challenging, it’s the way that you react to the situation. If you’re dealing with an illness that you don’t have any experience with, know that you’re doing the best that you can with what you have. It may be a challenging thought to process, as you may be feeling all the emotions — frustration, confusion, anger, sadness, etc. You may not have the right support to help you through these challenging times and you may feel hopeless.

Trust yourself to find those small moments of hope where you can take some time to give yourself grace. You don’t have to know all the answers right now and you may feel the pressure to know all of the answers. Placing more pressure on ‘having to know’ can create a lot of internal tension. Give yourself the grace and space to take it one moment at a time. My mentor used to tell me, ‘You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take one step at a time.’

You may not be able to process or talk about what’s going on.

You may be blaming yourself for being imperfect and wishing for situations to be different.

You may be feeling like you want certain situations to end because you may just be feeling exhausted and out of bandwidth. In those instances, give yourself a break and see what you can do to give the thinking brain a break and find those pockets of joy again. You’re human and it’s ok to not know all of the answers. Just keep trying and give yourself more credit for not giving up. You can move through the ebbs and flows.

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