How do you express yourself?
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash
What do you do when you want to get your feelings out?
Do you shut down? Do you go for long walks? Do you talk it out? I like to talk and write it out. It makes me feel like I can really feel my feelings and express them so that they are not stuck in my head.
I used to and to some extent, wonder if I should really say what I feel. I searched high and low for validation before I would ever speak my mind. I felt that it would be more acceptable to speak my mind if someone else agreed. Now, I know that I need to express my feelings. Not for other people, but for my self-expression and freedom. My thoughts and opinions are important. Even if no one else understands or agrees, at least I have set my head free and released myself to the world.
It is scary to do, but I realize that it is much scarier to live a life where I am always worried about what others think. Always needing their approval/validation before I can feel good about myself is a scary concept. Instead, loving myself first and trusting that I am enough is what I focus on. If I want to see the change, I need to be the change first. Even if a few feathers are ruffled along the way.
I often go back and forth with my head. Not knowing the right path to take and thinking about all the options. When I am in my head, decisions seem so overwhelming. Whereas when I just take action and get out of my head, things seem to move.
How often have you thought about a decision over and over?
And after all the thinking, you still don’t have a decision? It happens to all of us and the advice I have been given is to trust the journey. Even when you don’t have perfect information and things seem confusing, just remember that things are happening FOR you and not against you.
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