5 tips to keep moving forward
When things don’t turn out the way that you expect, what happens?
You feel bad about yourself. Sometimes you lash out at others, and often, you take it out on yourself.
You fail to remember that as human beings, you have emotions and it’s ok to have these emotions. As social creatures, we look for confirmation and validation that we belong. Quoted from Brené Brown’s book, she states “Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation that you don’t belong. You will always find it because you’ve made that your mission. Stop scouring people’s faces for evidence that you’re not enough.”
Here are 3 tips to keep moving forward when things fall apart.
Ask for Constructive Feedback
It’s challenging to ask for feedback when it could be negative or things that you don’t want to hear. To think about this from a different perspective, what if feedback is information that can make you better? Keeping an open perspective and believing that others truly want to help you will make the process of asking and receiving feedback easier.
According to Tony Robbins, “Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” Instead of asking myself “Why does this always happen to me?”, I replace it with “What can I learn from this experience?” Of course, this switch doesn’t always happen automatically and at times, it takes a while for the shift to occur. Though, the more that I practice, the easier it becomes; just like with anything in life.
2. Push Forward and Just Do It
Get out of your own way. You can easily talk yourself out of taking action, so practice doing the things that you think you can't do.
According to Brian Tracy, “If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first.”
Do the hardest things that you need to do first in your day to gain momentum and to get quick wins. Honestly, yes it's uncomfortable. I have to remind myself that I'm doing my best and that's ok. In the morning, my brain automatically wants to check email and Social Media, so I have to keep challenging myself to “Eat the Frog.” Following a consistent morning routine is something that I’ve been continually working on to set myself up for whatever happens in the day. I’ve been following Hal Erod’s ‘Miracle Morning” for a while now. The morning routine consists of affirmations, meditation, physical movement, reading, writing, and affirmations. It's not perfect and so for those days where I can't get it all in, I give myself grace in knowing that tomorrow's a new day to start again.
3. Honour Where You Are
Learning new skills takes time and practice. It can even be a challenging and repetitive process. Think about when you were a child learning how to walk. How many times did you fall down before you started walking easily and effortlessly? As adults, we become afraid to try new things because we have been burned before. Honour where you are; accept and appreciate all that is in your life and more good things will come your way.
4. Remember that 'this too shall pass.'
Keep focusing your energy on the things that bring you joy. It can be something small as enjoying a good cup of tea in the morning. Consider journaling in the morning or night to write down your thoughts and do it just for yourself and no one else.
5. Avoid getting caught up in comparisons. Focus on what you're doing, one day at a time. Focus on your accomplishments and the impact that you are creating. If you're constantly comparing your situations, consider where that energy is going and how that makes you feel. Focusing on the things that you can control is so key when you're feeling down and comparing yourself to others can just make you spiral. Instead of comparing how you don't have "X" or "Y" in your life, consider aligning yourself with the energy of how good it feels to see someone happy that they have "X" and "Y." Getting into that energy and flow can remind you that if you see others having what you want, it's possible that you can also have that in your life as well.
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