3 Things To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

What you do matters.

We focus so much on the thoughts in our minds that go round and round.

Why not give your brain something positive to focus on?

Showing up for yourself isn’t always easy. Doing the things that you need to do is so easy to do and also so easy not to do.

Remember that what you do matters. Check in with what you’re saying to yourself. Are you saying to yourself any or all of the following?

That’s not going to work.

It’s useless to apply for that job as there are so many people that have applied.

I’ve tried and it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere.

The market circumstances are so tough.

The interviews are so gruelling and it’s mentally draining. There are endless interviews and I just don’t have the time to do it all!

If you’re focused on the worry, give yourself something productive to focus on instead.

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”

Robin S. Sharma

Here are 3 things to focus on when you feel like giving up:

  1. Stack your small wins. Remind yourself that you are taking steps to keep moving forward. Small wins give you the motivation, confidence and inspiration that you can do it. It may not seem like it and if you’re struggling to see the value that you offer, remember your previous accomplishments. Remind yourself all the times that you’ve explored creative solutions to figure it out even when you didn’t think that you could do it.

  2. Give yourself some grace. Trust your inner intuition. Outside the external ‘noise,’ what is your intuition telling you? Are you paying attention to the signs that are being presented to you or are you too busy ‘doing’ to notice these signs?

  3. Let go of the things that drain your energy. What are the things that you can spend hours with joy and excitement? What are the things that bring your energy down? If you’re attached to the things that bring you down, consider why you are so attached to these things or situations. What are you gaining by staying attached to these things or situations that bring you down? Pay attention to your internal feelings and see if you can just notice what is happening within yourself. Can you let go of the things that are no longer serving you?

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How do you keep showing up for yourself when things are challenging?