3 Ideas To Help You Understand & Embrace The Idea That Achieving Success Is Your Responsibility
I saw this on someone’s stories yesterday -
“You are responsible for your own success or failure.”
‘No one is going to save you.’
So, check in with yourself and ask yourself if you’re taking small actions every day to get to where you want to be. If not, it’s ok to course-correct, fail and try again.
It’s also tempting to want to put the blame on others instead of looking within. Especially when things are challenging, when you may not be feeling your best, it’s tempting to want to blame external factors ie. the people and situations around you.
This reminds me of one of the principles that I learned in one of my trainings that goes along the lines of the following sentiment. Are you the victim of your circumstances or are you in charge of your life? The second question reminds you that you can empower your own life.
It doesn’t matter if you have a mentor or even a coach. When it comes down to it, you are the one driving your success. If you want something bad enough, you’ll figure out how to get there.
Here are 3 ways to remember that you’re responsible for your own success.
Remember the choice that you’re making in every moment. Are you thinking that life happens to you or are you thinking that life happens for you? When you’re in the moment, it can be challenging to remember the choice that you made (as you are constantly making decisions even though you may or may not be aware of it), so take some time to reflect. Also, take inventory of the tiny decisions that you’re making throughout the day. For example, if you’re in a job that you hate, why did you decide to take that job? Was the decision that you made based on fear — ie. were you afraid of not having a job and not being able to pay the bills? Or did you get into a routine where you just took each job that came your way because that’s what was expected of you through generations of conditioning? Whatever the reason, pay attention and ask yourself some deeper questions. Do your best to just let the answers come up, there is no right or wrong. You’re just getting more feedback and information which is helpful for you to keep moving forward.
Keep yourself accountable. Do you keep yourself accountable by following through with your actions? Do you keep the promises that you’ve made to yourself? Keeping yourself accountable means doing the things that you don’t necessarily want to do and need to do, that’s the part of the growth that a lot of people don’t want to go through because it’s painful. Growth is not always comfortable, it’s actually uncomfortable because your mind is likely giving you reasons to keep you safe. For example, your mind may be telling you reasons why you shouldn’t look for that fulfilling job that you yearn for because it’s too hard, or takes too much time. How can you stop yourself from making excuses so that you can the action that you need to take?
Self-empowerment. When things are rough, how can you re-frame your experiences so that you use these experiences to give you newfound motivation and inspiration? If you’ve been laid off, are you using that time to give yourself a much-needed break to relax your nervous system so that you can better excel in your next role? Are you taking the time to reflect on your part of how you could have handled certain situations differently? Are you taking action or are you waiting for the perfect situation to happen before you take action?
It’s easy to just feel depleted when you’ve been running on overdrive for a long time, so check in with yourself and ask yourself what you really need. Be intentional about finding a routine and rhythm that works for you and see if you can tweak some of your daily activities so your life works for you. One of my previous mentors used to consistently remind me of this quote:
‘You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just get started.” — MLK Jr.
To add to the above, do your best to keep taking action and build new habits to set yourself up for success. You can get out of your own way, you just have to keep trying (even when times are extremely rough). Remind yourself of your wins during the tough times and do something nice for yourself!
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