3 ideas to create more connection within yourself
How can you create more connection within yourself?
It’s easy to compare and see how others are doing, especially this time of the year with the holidays. How can you start to pay more attention to the voices within? What are you saying to yourself and how does it make you feel? If your self-talk is not serving you, how can you shift the internal dialogue to thoughts that serve you?
If people are asking you about how your job is going and it’s making you feel uncomfortable, how can you shift your inner dialogue? Can you remind yourself that you’re doing the best that you can by growing and learning to develop yourself more every day? Positive reminders are so key to growing and learning new patterns/habits.
Here are 3 ideas to create more connection within yourself.
Check-in with yourself. Do a daily check-in with yourself to see how you’re truly feeling. If you’re not feeling well, acknowledge what you’re feeling and ask yourself what you really need to create more support within. If it’s a few hours away from the screen and taking some time off, less rushing in your day, or just greater boundaries to protect your inner thoughts, see how you can create more peace within. Check-in to see that you’re not feeling bad for doing the things that you really need to do for yourself. If you’re rushing to get things done, how can you create more calm and space to support yourself more?
Breathe and move your body. If you’re not able to do an hour of exercise, can you start with 10 minutes a day? Can you take conscious breaks to practice more boxed breathing during the day? Can you take 4 deep breaths to remind yourself to be present? It can often seem daunting to take an hour out of our day to exercise, how can we make this easier for us to achieve our small wins for the day? See if you can walk to the kettle more to get more steps in during the day or go for a quick brisk walk to nurture your soul.
Talk to yourself. If the challenging thoughts are coming up, can you challenge them and ask yourself, is this really true or am I making up a story about why I can’t get this job or complete this task? Talk to yourself in ways that nurture who you are and also in ways that motivate you. If you’re used to tough love, then speak to yourself in ways that will motivate you to take action. Use words that will motivate you, as everyone is different. Some people need to use kinder language as they are often too hard on themselves. Other people need to use language that will challenge them to take action. If you’re tough on yourself, how can you give yourself more grace during the day and week? How can you celebrate your small wins to affirm your own confidence? See what works best for who you are and go from there.
If you’re challenged or struggling during this holiday season, please reach out.
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