2 Ideas To Support Yourself During This Holiday Season

Many of us behind the scenes may not be able to talk about what we are going through for whatever reason.

Speaking up and telling the truth may be uncomfortable, as others don’t like to hear the truth if it conflicts with their own identities.

This paragraph from US magazine about Harry and Meghan resonated:

“When you can see something happening in the same kind of way, anybody would ask for help, ask the system of which you are a part of, especially when you know there’s a relationship there, that they could help and share some truth or call the dogs off, whatever you want to call it. So, to receive no help at all and to be told continuously, ‘This is how it is. This is just how it is. We’ve all been through it,’” he said at the time…”

The holidays can be challenging, as there are so many people who may be alone for whatever reason. It’s not rainbows and unicorns for everyone and some people may not realize the challenges that others are going through. Others may be silently suffering without the ability to speak up and tell their truth.

Maybe these people have asked for help and have not received it and do not want to be around those who ignore them, maybe they feel as though they can’t be themselves, or maybe they have to work because they cannot afford to take holidays or time off. There are so many reasons why and for those who just can’t see or understand this is challenging.

If you’re struggling and you’ve asked for help from the people who are ‘supposed’ to help you and you’re not getting the support that you need, know that it’s not your fault for asking. If they can’t truly listen and meet you where you are, then that’s not on you. They are just not the right support system for you. Find those people who can truly honour and accept you for who you are.

Remember, you can choose where you spend your attention. Be mindful to pay attention to the things that make you feel good.

Here are 2 ideas to help with supporting yourself through challenging times.

  1. Keep trying — for yourself and not others. If you continually have to enforce your boundaries and you are not getting the result that you want, know that you are doing what’s right for you. People may not understand, they may not listen, they may judge you and/or react negatively; ultimately, they may never change. It’s not your job to change others, just keep working on yourself. If you see happy images on Social Media that are making you feel poorly, you can choose to shift your attention to focus on things that make you feel good.

  2. Honour your feelings and align with yourself. Do your best not to feel guilty or poorly for having to do what’s right for you (even if others don’t understand or want to understand). Trust that you are building your own inner courage one moment at a time. Honouring yourself is so key to building your inner confidence and trust.

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