Your work matters.

Your work matters.

It's the purpose behind everything you do. Are you in a job/career that makes you proud to be yourself?

How can you empower yourself to be the best version of yourself?

  • Be aware of where your attention goes. “Energy goes where attention flows - Tony Robbins. If there are things that trigger you (ie. news), consider limiting the time spent and remove yourself from being engaged for too long.

  • Find support. Who and what makes you feel like more of who you are? Who are your cheerleaders to keep you going through the ups and downs?

  • Self-talk. Notice what you are saying to yourself on a daily basis. Are the thoughts generally positive or negative? How can you shift your internal patterns?  

  • Holding on. What are some thoughts and beliefs that you hold on to? Why do you hold on to these thoughts/beliefs?

  • Stopping yourself. How do you stop yourself from doing the things that you need to do? Do you self-sabotage because you wonder whether you deserve that next job or promotion? 

  • Letting go of what others think. What do you think of yourself? Are your thoughts your own thoughts or thoughts that have been programmed through someone else’s thoughts and/or expectations?  

  • Checking in with yourself in the small moments of the day and when pivotal emotions come up. Do you ignore your emotions or can you stay present to see what you're feeling? For example, are you worried about what other people think if you take a career break to help your mental health? When I took a career break, I remember it wasn’t wildly accepted at that time. There wasn’t a ‘LinkedIn badge' to make it more accepted and I still did it for my own personal development despite other people’s thoughts and worries. What if you can reframe your career break as an opportunity to connect with yourself better and to learn new skills so that you can better perform in your next role?

  • Moving through the emotions. If you were taught that it was not acceptable to show your emotions, then it’s likely that moving through emotions can be challenging. Accept your emotions for what they are and acknowledge them. How can you use these emotions to drive you in the direction of your dreams and take action?  

What are the wins that have worked for you to become a better version of yourself? I'd love to hear your comments, feel free to DM me or leave a comment below.

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3 lessons to help you shift your mindset when you feel stuck


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