5 Ways To Provide More Value At Work

When facing financial pressure and challenges, it can be difficult to focus on work and provide value to your employer.

Focus on your activity and the value that you are providing to everyone around you. It may be challenging when there are so many things going on, so do your best to protect/block your time so that you can focus on one task at a time. There are still ways to excel in your job.

Here are 5 ways to provide more value in your job:

  1. Continual improvement: One way is to focus on continually improving your skills and knowledge. If you’re worried about imposter syndrome, see if you can let go of your fears ie. perfectionism. See if you can share your desire to learn and look for opportunities to learn new things, whether it’s through online courses, workshops, or on-the-job (experiential) training. This can help you become a more valuable employee and increase your chances of advancement¹. Growing and becoming a better version of yourself can also help you with gaining new perspectives and confidence to support you in your career journey.

  2. Take calculated risks. Are there high-profile projects that you can take the lead on? See if you can create more visibility by engaging in high-profile tasks and projects that you may be afraid to take on. If your employer is looking for individuals to lead a session at one of their weekly meetings, can you raise your hand and volunteer yourself? Putting yourself out there may seem scary at first, and if you show up and take action, you can realize the rewards and also show your employer that you are taking initiative in growing yourself and your career.

  3. Build and invest in strong relationships. Another way to provide value is to focus on being a team player. Offer to help your colleagues with their work, collaborate on projects, and be willing to take on extra responsibilities when needed. This can help build strong relationships with your coworkers and show your employer that you are a valuable member of the team².

  4. Being honest. It is also important to communicate effectively with your employer. If you are facing financial challenges that are affecting your work, be honest and transparent about your situation. Your employer may be able to offer support or accommodations to help you manage your workload³.

  5. Remember your ‘why’ for your job. Finally, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated. Remind yourself why you started your job and what motivated you to take your job. Focus on the aspects of your work that bring you joy. This can help you stay engaged and productive, even during difficult times⁴.


  1. Forbes. “5 Ways to Improve Your Value at Work.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2018/08/28/5-ways-to-improve-your-value-at-work/?sh=2d8d8c8e4b8e.

  2. The Muse. “5 Ways to Be an Invaluable Team Player When You’re Short on Cash.” https://www.themuse.com/advice/5-ways-to-be-an-invaluable-team-player-when-youre-short-on-cash.

  3. Harvard Business Review. “How to Talk to Your Boss About Your Career Goals When You’re Underrepresented.” https://hbr.org/2019/08/how-to-talk-to-your-boss-about-your-career-goals-when-youre-underrepresented.

  4. Psychology Today. “How to Stay Motivated When You’re Struggling Financially.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-behind-behavior/201810/how-stay-motivated-when-youre-struggling-financially.

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