3 ways to give yourself permission to be perfectly imperfect

3 ways to give yourself permission to be perfectly imperfect

It’s ok to be perfectly imperfect.

Remind yourself that you are work in progress, though keep taking action even though it’s not perfect. You don’t need the ‘perfect’ situation/scenario to move forward. Being imperfect also allows others to be imperfect and it releases a lot of internal pressure within.

Feel the fear and do it anyways. It can be scary to put yourself out there, so just keep practicing and do your best to let go of the result.

By being brave and showing up imperfectly, you give others the permission to do so as well.

If I get out of my own way and show up, then others can also show up as well. I don’t need to show up perfectly, I just need to show up and keep getting better. In all the times of challenge (this has certainly been work in progress) and times of failure and uncertainty, I just have to remember that at least I am putting the effort in instead of not doing anything at all. After all, it’s a holiday today and I’m showing up and doing what needs to be done.

Another reminder from a call from yesterday — it’s great to remember that there is support, just keep taking the action. It’s easy to give up just before you reach your goal, don’t give up and remember to take that one extra action. You don’t know what you don’t know.

This a reminder for those who need to hear this.

  1. Let yourself off the hook to have everything figured out now. Give yourself the permission to remember that you are a work in progress. For example, if you don’t have all the certainty/information to get that dream job that you want, take it step by step. What can you do today? What can you do tomorrow to get you closer to where you want to be? What can you focus on? Take the internal pressure off yourself and breathe. If you need to hear this reminder today, here you go: “You are more than enough just as you are.”

  2. Let go of the need to compare. Your thoughts are not always right; be mindful to check your thoughts (especially when they just keep going round and round!). For example, when you see something online, the mind can go off into comparison mode and that’s when you need to question your own thoughts. Consider asking yourself the following questions:

“Does someone else’s success hinder my ability to have the success that I want in my life?”

“Does supporting someone else limit my own success? Or does supporting someone else align my energy with the success that I want in my life?”

Getting out of your own way is so key.

Many of us are sedentary for a long period of time due to our day jobs.

How can you break up your day to have more opportunities to get out of your head and back into your body? Can you take a breathing break where you focus on just breathing? Can you go for a quick walk or do a quick stretch? Ask yourself what you can do and listen to your body to see what comes up. A few minutes of stretching is better than not stretching at all. So instead of worrying that you don’t have time to go for a full run, congratulate yourself for taking a few minutes to get some fresh air for a short walk. Shifting your own mindset and how you talk to yourself is so important. Being aware of your thoughts is the first step, how do you talk to yourself daily?

3. Let go of worrying about what others may or may not think. Focus on your journey and the person that you want to become. Work on building your own self-confidence, it may take time and effort, though know that you are the person who stands to benefit from working on yourself. You may or may not see the benefits right away, just trust in yourself. Notice the ways that you react or don’t react to people or situations anymore.

Working on yourself isn’t always easy; there are so many excuses as to why you don’t want to do the inner work, just take the first (tiny) step. Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing and who you want to become at the end of this journey. Consider:

How do you reverse engineer the steps so that you can become the person that you truly want to be?

Don’t worry about what others think. Worry more about what you think of yourself.

4. Visualize what you want. Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. This takes daily practice; remind yourself that it’s ok to fail, stumble and try again. Just be aware of what comes up for you and be more self compassionate when things don’t pan out the way you want. Remember that you are putting the effort in and that’s what matters.

5. Keep taking action. Even if it’s just one small step every day, keep going to keep consistent and build trust within yourself. If your mind creates resistance — i.e. you get rejected by your dream job, find other ways to keep taking action. Think about the possibilities: Who can you talk to? Who can you ask for help? Who can you support?

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How do you get out of your own way?


Importance of communication