Burnout and Stress in Women

In a system of patriarchy where women are expected to do housework, caregiving, errands, grocery shopping, fix things that are broken, etc. (and not paid for doing these tasks), it can be challenging to work full-time or keep a full-time job. We saw the challenges that women went through in the pandemic with many women quitting their jobs or reducing their hours to stay at home and this is still a challenge. Women are feeling burnout because they need to carry the extra pressure and have to take the time to do ‘everything.’

Then you may start to feel like you’re not ‘enough’ because you’re not earning enough money because of all the unpaid work that you’re doing. It’s not that you’re not enough, it’s that you’re not being acknowledged for all the work that you’re doing behind the scenes and are feeling burnt out from all areas of your life.

Today was my reminder again to read the book — Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle.

It starts with a belief. If you’re used to taking on more than you can and believe that you have to take on everything and can’t get support because others aren’t listening to your requests for support, then you’re not alone. It can be so frustrating to constantly be asking for help and not get the help that you need. This has knock-on effects on the work that you do. If you’re so overwhelmed doing the housework and caregiving, then you take time away from doing work, as we only all have 24 hours a day and can’t do ‘everything.’

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6 Ideas For Self-Advocacy


4 Ways To Overcome Workplace Burnout