3 Ways To Protect Your Energy & Focus On Your Own Journey
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Career transitions can be challenging. Transitions are not always easy.
Especially if you’re used to and prefer things to stay the same. There are so many things that we cannot control — ie. a pandemic and there are also things that are within our control.
The voices of uncertainty can come up and lead you to wonder whether you’re making the right decision. External pressure from outside sources may also make you doubt yourself. Rejection can also deeply affect you and create self-doubt, fear, and anxiety.
With any change, comes obstacles. It’s easier to just stay the same and not change anything, which is why a lot of people don’t want to change. Change can bring up uncertainty and fear. It can also create greater personal growth. It all depends on your perception of change. How do you perceive change?
Change creates shifts and movement. You may start to notice others react when you start to speak up and use your voice, ask for accountability and stand by your integrity. It may not feel comfortable as the energetic shift can make you wonder whether you’re doing the right thing. You may start to see others place blame, and react negatively. Consider the thought that you are the mirror that is shining awareness that others may or may not like. It shines information that they would otherwise not be able to see which can cause discomfort. As challenging as it is to keep focused on your own journey, keep remembering your own lessons and learnings instead of focusing on their actions and behaviours. It takes continual re-learning and conditioning, so give yourself a break as you learn to move through the discomfort.
As creators of habit, we like to know what to expect when it happens and when things shift our internal systems, we have the opportunity to learn how to move through changes. Be grateful for these lessons to help you on your own journey to heal and grow.
It’s easy to put the blame on someone or something else when there is a change that you don’t want and/or didn’t expect to happen. It can shock your nervous system and you may not know what to do, how to react or even how to process the shock or trauma. A mentor of mine reminds me that “It’s your responsibility to heal.” It can be a challenging sentiment to accept. It can also be inspiring to realize that you can change your life, you don’t have to wait for others to validate or acknowledge you to have the life that you desire. You can make the change within yourself.
Do you believe that you can affect change?
Are you responsible for changing your life?
It’s not what happens to you; it’s how you deal with your thoughts, feelings and beliefs from events/situations/scenarios.
You may not like your job/career and you may not know what to do. You may feel like your head is constantly spinning in circles, as you compare your job and career with others. If you’re not going to make a change in your job/career, who will do it for you? I remember a mentor of mine who reminded me, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” If it’s up to you, are you going to do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be? It’s easy to take action when things are easy. When things get challenging and/or uncomfortable, are you going to quit or will you keep going no matter what it takes?
Here are 3 ways to protect your own energy and focus on your own journey:
Pay attention to where your attention and energy go throughout the day. If you’re spending countless hours focused on others, then you are giving away your energy and focus to people and circumstances that may never change. If you focus on your own journey and what you can do, then you give your focus on the things that you can change. Can you tune into positive affirmations and/or listen to healing sounds to remove negative energy? Can you focus your energy on people who want your help rather than on people who aren’t willing to change?
Protect your own peace of mind. What are things that really affect you and bring you down? Start to be aware of the energy that’s around you. You may have seen me on my stories sharing photos of smudging my workspace to clear the energetic space. If there are people/things that really bring you down throughout your day, consider creating some distance/boundaries or cutting energetic cords to protect your own inner well-being.
Fill your cup first. If your day is full of to-do’s for other people, how can you start your day filling your own cup first? How can you prioritize your well-being so that your needs are met first? If your morning routine is checking your email first thing in the morning, can you create a pattern interrupt where you start your day with mindful meditation or movement? Find your rhythm to see what works best for you. It may be a mindful cup of coffee/tea with just yourself so that you can ground yourself and set yourself up for success for the day or a walk in the park, explore and see what you resonate with most. The key thing is to prioritize yourself so that you create built-up resentment among the people/circumstances/situations in your life.
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